Notice: Production of the prison population snapshot reports are currently delayed due to the Philadelphia Department of Prisons' transition to a new jail management system. Monthly reporting will resume once the matter is resolved.
Notice: The Traffic Division's primary telephone number has been changed to 215-686-1676, effective January 23, 2025. To contact a Call Service Representative, please call 215-686-1676.

The Court of Common Pleas, Family Division

The Seal of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas

The Family Division, sometimes referred to as Family Court, is one of the three major divisions of the Court of Common Pleas. The Family Court of Philadelphia, located at 1501 Arch Street, consists of two major branches: Juvenile and Domestic Relations. The Administrative Judge of the Family Division is the Honorable Walter J. Olszewski.

There are 25 Judges assigned to the Family Division.

The Juvenile Branch has jurisdiction over delinquency, dependency, termination of parental rights and adoption proceedings.

Domestic Relations deals with paternity, support, custody, visitation, and divorce. Domestic Violence cases are also assigned to the Domestic Relations Branch.

Domestic Relations Branch

Domestic Relations deals with paternity, support, custody, visitation, and divorce. Domestic Violence cases are also assigned to the Domestic Relations Branch. Edward V. Lehmann, Jr., is the Deputy Court Administrator for the Domestic Relations Branch. His office is located on the 14th Floor and his phone number is (215) 686-9306

The general information telephone number for Domestic Relations is (215) 686-4000. For information on payments and other case information, the phone number is (215) 686-7466.

Petitions dealing with family court matters are filed at the Office of the Clerk of Family Court, located on the 11th floor. The Clerk's office hours are 8am-4pm, Monday thru Friday.

Juvenile Branch

Juvenile Branch services include new case initiation, Juvenile Court Operations, Juvenile Probation, hildren and Youth Services (Adoptions) and Support Services.

Mario D'Adamo, Esquire, and Katherine T. Grasela are the Deputy Court Administrators for the Juvenile Branch. Their offices are located on the 14th floor and the phone number is (215) 686-4100, Fax (215) 854-0193

Faustino Castro-Jimenez is the Chief of Juvenile Probation his office is located on the 10th Floor and the phone number is (215) 686-4103.

Juvenile courtrooms, juvenile probation, and other juvenile court services are located at The Family Court of Philadelphia. The general information telephone number is (215) 686-4000.

Office of the Administrative Judge

The Administrative Judge of the Court of Common Pleas Family Division, Honorable Walter J. Olszewski.


Honorable Walter J. Olszewski

The Family Division is led by an Administrative Judge, who is appointed by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and serves at the pleasure of the Supreme Court. Judge Walter J. Olszewski is the appointed Administrative Judge. As Administrative Judge, he is the approving authority for all administrative matters associated with the Family Division.


Business Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed