The Municipal Court’s Criminal Division deals with misdemeanor and felony charges for adults with a sentence of up to 5 years of incarceration. The Criminal Division also deals with non-traffic summary charges for adults and juveniles.
If you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony, your case could be referred by the District Attorney’s Office to a diversion program or Problem Solving Court. These programs can include social services for mental health or substance abuse issues. If your case qualifies for a diversion program or a Problem Solving Court, the court or your lawyer will let you know.
Courtrooms are in The Stout Center for Criminal Justice and in several police districts throughout the city of Philadelphia.
You can also find the same information by searching for recently filed cases or for upcoming court dates.
The Municipal Court’s Criminal Division deals with misdemeanor and felony charges for adults with a sentence of up to 5 years of incarceration. The Criminal Division also deals with non-traffic summary charges for adults and juveniles. Learn about the differences between these case types.
Learn about all the criminal court process including preliminary arraignment, preliminary hearing, trial, and after. Learn what to expect at each step and what happens next in the process.
If you were charged with a misdemeanor or felony, your case could be referred to a Diversion Program or Problem Solving Court. These programs offer supportive alternatives like treatment, services, and training, instead of jail and prison time.
Dealing with a Bench Warrant
If you do not show up for your hearing, you will get a Bench Warrant. If you have a Bench Warrant, go immediately to Courtroom 403 in The Stout Center for Criminal Justice 7:30am - 10:00am Monday - Friday. You will see a judge on the same day. The judge will review your court history, may address bail, lift your bench warrant, and assign a new court date. A representative from the Defender Association will be present in the courtroom to address your case. If you have private counsel, inform your attorney before you surrender.
Requesting an Emergency Protection from Abuse Order
The Municipal Court Criminal Division handles requests for Emergency Protection from Abuse Orders. You can file a petition at the Stout Center outside of normal business hours. When you submit an Emergency Protection from Abuse Order, the court will review your circumstances and evidence.
During Normal Hours:
Family Court
1501 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
After 5pm or on Holidays:
1301 Filbert, Stout Center, Room B – 03
Filing a Private Criminal Complaint (PCC)
To file for a private criminal complaint, report to the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. You must bring with you, the police report, district control number and the accused’s full name and address (home or work). Most private criminal complaints involve disagreements between family members or neighbors. Common examples include harassment, criminal mischief, and terroristic threats.
Approved Private Criminal Complaint Cases are heard in the Stout Center for Criminal Justice where a Trial Commissioner will give you your options for resolution. Cases that are not resolved will be scheduled for mandatory mediation.
Philadelphia District Attorney’s Private Criminal Complaint Unit
4th Floor, 1425 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
For more information, please call 215-686-9864.
Administrative Judge
Honorable Joffie C. Pittman, III
President Judge
Honorable T. Francis Shields
Court Administration
The Stout Center for Criminal Justice
1301 Filbert Street, Room 208
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-683-7290
Expungement Petitions
If you were found not guilty or if your case was withdrawn or dismissed, you can erase the case from court records. This is called expungement. You or your lawyer can submit an expungement petition.
Limited Access Petitions
If you were found not guilty or if your case was withdrawn or dismissed, you can limit the access to the charge or the case from court records. Limited Access blocks out charges or case information from public view.
For general Court information, contact 215-686-7000.