Notice: Production of the prison population snapshot reports are currently delayed due to the Philadelphia Department of Prisons' transition to a new jail management system. Monthly reporting will resume once the matter is resolved.
Notice: The Traffic Division's primary telephone number has been changed to 215-686-1676, effective January 23, 2025. To contact a Call Service Representative, please call 215-686-1676.

Mental Health Court

Pennsylvania's First Re-Entry Mental Health Court

Honorable Lillian Harris Ransom, Presiding Judge

Honorable Leon W. Tucker Supervising Judge


Mental Health Court is in session every Thursday in the
The Stout Center for Criminal Justice
Courtroom 504
1301 Filbert Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(Unless Otherwise Noted)


The First Judicial District Mental Health Court (FJDMHC) provides an alternative to incarceration for carefully screened offenders with mental illness and co-occurring disorders by preparing individuals for re-entry into more effective treatment modalities in supervised community settings. The FJDMHC aims to reduce the jail population and criminal justice costs by balancing justice, treatment, and public safety.

  • To facilitate the re-entry of offenders with mental illness from incarceration into supervised community treatment settings.
  • To provide treatment, housing, benefits, and community support services for defendants with mental illness.
  • To reduce recidivism by defendants with mental illness.
  • To support effective communication between the criminal justice and mental health systems.
  • To preserve public safety.
  • Defendant is currently serving a sentence, and/or is awaiting sentencing or willing to accept a plea into FJDMHC
  • Defendant's criminal history, charges and convictions enable the imposition of a probation or a county sentence with a probation term rather than a sentence of state incarceration. However, a defendant who is charged with murder, manslaughter, rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse or any other violent sexual offence will not be considered for the FJDMHC program. Defendants who have past convictions or current charges for the other serious violent offences, will only be considered for the FJDMHC under exceptional circumstances.
  • Defendant is diagnosed with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and meets other medical necessity criteria for health choices for intensive case management services established by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
  • Defendant is a Philadelphia County resident
  • Defendant is Medicaid eligible
  • Defendant has at least 18 months of court supervision remaining from the time of formal admission into the FJDMHC
  • Defendant agrees to comply with court supervision and treatment services

For general Court information, contact (215) 686-7000.


For further information on the Mental Health Court please contact:

Business Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm