The collection effort of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania was initiated after the FJD's assumption of the duties and functions of the previously independently elected Clerk of Quarter Sessions which was abolished by City Council in 2010. The Court established the Office of Court Compliance, funded by the City of Philadelphia, to lead the charge in the collection of outstanding court ordered fees, fines, court costs and restitution. The collection of this money benefits the City of Philadelphia, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and victims of crimes both directly, thought the collection of court ordered restitution, as well as indirectly through the collection of funds which are distributed to various governmental entities as provided by law.
Upon assumption of the duties and functions of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions, the FJD has utilized the statewide Common Pleas Case Management System ("CPCMS") to inform defendants about their financial obligations, establish payment plans, record payments made, and to refer cases to private collection agencies upon default of payment plans and failure to attend payment plan conferences or otherwise respond to request for payment of their court ordered obligations.
The description below highlights the process followed by the First Judicial District’s Office of Court Compliance.
Immediately after sentencing, Office of Court Compliance Legal Clerks meet with defendants to establish an appropriate payment plan for the payment of fees, fines, court costs and restitution consistent with the sentencing judge's order. The Legal Clerks also hold conferences when defendants seek reduction of their monthly payment due to a change in financial circumstances, and conduct delinquency conferences when defendants fail to make their monthly installment payments. When appropriate, the monthly amount may be decreased if the defendant demonstrates (upon presenting the necessary information) reduced income or inability to pay the currently established installment amount.
The links below provide more detailed information and forms related to the FJD collection effort.
Payments can be made by mail or in person as follows:
First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
Office of Court Compliance
Room 370 City Hall
Philadelphia, Pa 19107
Checks and Money Orders, Payable to "First Judicial District of PA"). Do not mail cash
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The Stout Center for Criminal Justice, 1301 Filbert Street (Basement), Philadelphia, PA 19107
Accounting Unit, 714 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Checks and Money Orders Payable to "First Judicial District of PA."
Note: please refrain from using Internet Explorer. Recommended: Google Chrome/Safari/Edge
For general Court information, contact (215) 686-7000.
370 City Hall – Main Office Hours
378 City Hall- Conference Room
*Last In-Person Payment taken at 3:30pm