Until further notice, the Traffic Division is open to the public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Within TEN (10) days of the issuance of a Traffic Division Citation the Defendant must: either
If a Defendant intends to respond by mail:
Philadelphia Municipal Court
800 Spring Garden Street, PO Box 56301,
Philadelphia, PA 19130-6301
Plead GUILTY and PAY the full amount due
If you believe you are NOT GUILTY of the charge, submit a plea of NOT GUILTY, along with the full amount due for fines and costs, including a $9.00 non-refundable trial fee. (If you are found not guilty at your hearing or trial, the fine and costs will be refunded to you.) If an amount is not listed on the citation, or if you cannot afford the amount noted, send a check or money order for $50.00, along with your plea.
If you would like to establish a monthly installment payment plan upon pleading guilty or being found guilty, you must appear before a Traffic Division hearing officer between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No appointment is necessary. If you cannot appear in person, you may contact the court’s Call Center at 215 686-1676 to schedule a virtual payment plan hearing in the convenience of your own home.
The following violations may be administratively cancelled (or withdrawn) by the Police if proof of valid documentation at the time of the stop is presented personally to the Police Liaison Officer at the Traffic Division within the time frame set forth below. (This information is printed on the reverse side of the Defendant’s copy of the citation.)
The chart printed below lists the documentation that is needed for possible cancellation of the citation, along with the time frame for cancellation
Code | Law | Proof Needed | Submit Proof Within |
§ 1301 | Did not have registration and certification of title | Registration and certification of title | 5 days of ticket |
§ 1311 | Missing signed registration card to be signed | Signed registration card | 5 days of ticket |
§§ 1786 | Missing proof of financial responsibility | Financial responsibility | 5 days of ticket |
§ 6308 | Police Investigation (registration or insurance) | Police Investigation (registration or insurance) | 5 days of ticket |
§ 1501 | Driver did not have a license | Driver’s license | 15 days of ticket |
§ 1511 | Driver was not carrying a license | Have driver's license on demand | 15 days of ticket |
§ 1606(a) | Driver did not have a commercial driver's license | Have commercial driver's license | 15 days of ticket |
§ 6308 | Police Investigation (license) | Police Investigation (license) | 15 days of ticket |
To request cancellation, you must appear personally at Police Liaison Unit of the Traffic Division, 800 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday.
Please Note:
After the time periods set forth above, the citations CANNOT be administratively canceled (or withdrawn). You must then plead guilty and pay the fine or plead NOT GUILTY and ask for a hearing or a trial.
Questions about the application of points assigned to your driving record should be directed to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
If your license is suspended, you must contact the Department of Transportation to request a letter listing all the requirements for restoration of your license. Click here for additional information. You may contact the Department of Transportation at 1-800-932-4600.
Upon receipt of the letter, please complete the requirements stated therein and appear personally at the Customer Service Department of the Traffic Division; no appointment is necessary.Please bring the letter with you.
If your vehicle has been impounded, please report to the Traffic Division’s Boot & Tow Window in the Customer Service area between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You will need to bring your driver’s license or photo ID, the Live Stop Towing report, citations issued, if any, registration, and insurance. You will appear before a hearing officer in Impoundment Court. You will be required to pay all fines, costs, and fees before a Certificate of Release will be issued. You will be instructed to take the Certificate of Release to the Philadelphia Parking Authority to attain your vehicle.
You must appear before a Judge of Hearing Officer to show proof of compliance, pay all outstanding fines and costs, and receive a Certificate of Release.
To inquire about the status of a family member who was incarcerated by a Judge at the Municipal Court, Traffic Division, or who is currently being detained in our holding room, please call the Sheriff’s desk at 215-686-1687.
Where can I find my payment plan number?
The payment plan number can be found on the original payment plan, your receipt of payment, or by contacting the Call Center at 215 686-1676.
Can I have a payment plan via Zoom?
Yes, payment plans are offered remotely. Please contact the Court at 215 686-1676.
Can I make a payment over the telephone?
Yes, through the Court’s voice-response system. Please call 215 686-1676. You must plead guilty or not guilty to the citation if you have not already done so.
How do I pay parking tickets?
Contact the Philadelphia Parking Authority at 215-561-3636 or 215-569-3636.
Why can’t I make a payment on line?
If you have been assessed postage fees, click on to “pay full balance” instead of “pay ticket only”. This option will show the total due, including the fees.
How do I get an extension on my payment plan?
Come to the Traffic Division’s Motion Court to make a request to a hearing officer.
Do you handle red-light camera tickets?
No. Please contact the Philadelphia Parking Authority at 844-248-0449.
Do you handle speed camera tickets?
No. Please contact the Philadelphia Parking Authority at 866-790-4111.
How long do I have to respond to a citation before a late fee is added?
A $25.00 late fee is added if you do not respond within ten days of issuance of the citation.
Where is my refund?
Refunds are processed within 4 to 6 weeks of the day on which you were found not guilty.
How do I get my trial date changed?
You may request a new trial date by writing to the court. Your letter must be received at least 2 days before the date of trial, or you may come to the courthouse to request a new date in person.
Is there someone in court who can help me if I do not speak English?
Interpreter services are available. Please call the court at 215 686-1676 and ask for an interpreter.
What are the court’s hours?
Currently, due to the pandemic, the court is open to the public from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
How can I get the Judge’s ruling on my citation overturned?
You have the right to appeal the judge’s or hearing officer’s decision at trial. A timely appeal costs $35.00 per incident. An appeal after 30 days from the date of trial must be approved by the judge before you can file the actual appeal. Contact the court for additional information.
How can I get the Judge’s ruling on my citation overturned?
You have the right to appeal the judge’s or hearing officer’s decision at trial. A timely appeal costs $35.00 per incident. An appeal after 30 days from the date of trial must be approved by the judge before you can file the actual appeal. Contact the court for additional information.
If I plead guilty, will I be given points on my license or face suspension time?
Please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation via their website at www.dmv.state.pa.us for further information.
Why is my balance higher than what is on the citation?
A warrant fee is assessed after someone defaults on a payment plan. Also, a late fee is assessed if a response to the citation is not received within 10 days of issuance.
For Lawyers
Call 215-686-7000 for general court information.